Tequila Minsky 03
1. When was this photo taken?
2. Where was this photo taken?
3. Who took this photo?
tequila minsky
4. What are we looking at here?
I believe this is Nicaragua, one of three trips I took in 1987/88-- a festival in a rural area...
5. How does this old photo make you feel?
As I still take images of cultural activities in the countryside of less documented regions, I don't feel old, only I wish I could remember exactly where I took this image...
6. Is this what you expected to see?
This was part of a roll of this rural festival which also included a number of greasy pole shots (I had to make a choice, which to send, but would be happy to send my favorite of the greasy pole.. obviously a contest of who can climb the greasy pole). This photograph of a dance exhibition was taken in an area somewhat remote and makes its celebratory essence so meaningful and evocative.
7. What kind of memories does this photo bring back?
I love the reminder of these travels even if I don't exactly remember where I took this photo. I took three trips to Nicaragua in the late 80s. One traveling around the country, the other two to a remoted region on the Atlantic Coast, which included a couple day stay on a more remote sub-island traveled there by dugout canoe.
8. How do you think others will respond to this photo?
A festival that includes regional dance always is uplifting.