Erica Lansner
1. When was this photo taken?
2005 or 2006
2. Where was this photo taken?
In my dining room at home, Upper West Side, NYC
3. Who took this photo?
Erica Lansner
4. What are we looking at here?
This is a photograph of my daughter Flora, when she was about 5 years old. (She just turned 18 this year-2018)
I have taken hundreds of photos of her in this exact spot, her spot at the dining room table. The light in the dining room is always beautiful in the morning and late afternoon and it's always been my sweet spot for pics of my kids.
5. How does this old photo make you feel?
I feel so nostalgic for when she was a little girl, and when I was able to take photos of her without much complaint. In fact she always seemed to enjoy it- never complained about being my muse, but now she almost always refuses to let me take her photo. We call her Flora 'nofoto'.
6. Is this what you expected to see?
I had no idea what to expect in these rolls, whether they were for work or just family life. I am not surprised that this photo was there, as it is in my typical sweet light spot at home. There were a few surprises though. One roll had a friend on it who has since died. It was very sad to see these faded old rolls of this beautiful day on the beach with my friend's family.
7. What kind of memories does this photo bring back?
This photo brings back such waves of nostlgia when my kids were young, so sweet and innocent and happy go lucky. It brings me back to every evening as we sat around the table over dinner, but I wonder now what I missed by taking so many photos of them- and maybe not being present in the conversation or moment. Light distracts me in every way.
8. How do you think others will respond to this photo?
I think others will see also see it as a nostalgic family moment. A bit of faded family history. It is personal, obviously taken in a home. It is a bit mysterious as Flora looks serious but not unhappy.