Erin Kyle Danna 02
1. When was this photo taken?
October 2013
2. Where was this photo taken?
Dividing Creek, New Jersey
3. Who took this photo?
4. What are we looking at here?
This is my grandfather's youngest sister, Dolores, and my grandparents Catherine and Stanley Tarquinio. Considered the unofficial town historian because of his excellent memory and age, residents gathered at the town hall to ask him questions about their family and friends who had passed away. He told stories for over an hour that day.
5. How does this old photo make you feel?
Proud of my history and thankful for my family.
6. Is this what you expected to see?
Not at all. I had no idea this roll was a secret contender.
7. What kind of memories does this photo bring back?
It was a really beautiful day outside. I remember thinking it was important to try to remember every moment.
8. How do you think others will respond to this photo?
I think others will know the people in this photo are very dear to me.