Janet Bayliss 02
1. When was this photo taken?
2. Where was this photo taken?
Pelican Lake Ottertail County Minnesota
3. Who took this photo?
Kathy Foss Bakkum (my sister)
4. What are we looking at here?
A self-portrait of my sister Kathy in her bedroom at the family cabin. Her favorite place to be.
5. How does this old photo make you feel?
My heart skipped a beat in delight to see a photo of my sister, a photo she took! And then bittersweet in knowing that in less than a decade from when she snapped the shutter for this photo she would be gone, taken by Ovarian cancer in 2004.
6. Is this what you expected to see?
Absolutely not! I thought they were my lost rolls.
7. What kind of memories does this photo bring back?
Memories of her beauty and our bond. We were very close. As an older sister she taught me much about life.
8. How do you think others will respond to this photo?
How interesting the ethereal light is and how this photograph was taken.